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10 Common Reasons to Consider Adoption for your Child

1. You aren’t ready to be a mother (again) and terminating the pregnancy is not viable option at this time in your life.
Parenting is something that will change your life forever and the idea of becoming a parent can be scary if you’re not ready for such a commitment. Consider all options and do not second guess yourself. Making a safe and secure plan to ensure your child has the life you want for him/her makes you an amazing mom!

2. You want to turn an unplanned situation, one that may feel overwhelming, into something positive and meaningful.
Being faced with an unplanned pregnancy will knock you back on your feet. The good news is that you have the ability to turn an unexpected situation into something beautiful. By making an adoption plan, you will be in control of your child’s future. The family you select will love your child unconditionally and will provide him/her with endless opportunities and security. In choosing life for your child, you also giving a family the greatest gift, the gift of parenthood.

3. You want to properly care for your child but will not have the emotional or financial support you feel you need.
In some cases, family members and friends will discourage adoption. This may be a result of them being unaware of the process. While loved ones mean well, often times the emotional and financial support they can offer is limited. If you are not fully ready to parent, please trust yourself and the process. Although you may not have support from everyone close to you, they will come around. In the meantime, you will have absolute support from the adoptive family you select and from us. You are not alone.

4. You are facing challenges that would make caring for a child, or another child, a hardship.
Being a parent is a wonderful experience and you cannot put a price tag on the joy a child brings into one’s life. While money is not what matters most, it is important to recognize that parenting is a huge financial undertaking. Per the USDA, on average, families can expect to spend around $230,000. to raise a child to the age of 17. This figure does not include the cost of college. The financial struggles are real for many people, now more than ever.

5. You want to continue to care for the children you are parenting to the best of your ability. Bringing a newborn home may drain your emotional and financial resources.
If welcoming another child into your family will prevent you from being the best mom you can be to the children you are currently parenting, you may feel that making an adoption plan is best for everyone. Feeling this way does not mean you do not love your child or that you love him/her less than your other children. It’s the deep love you have for your child that will bring happiness and security to everyone.

6. You want to return to school or work and not put your life on hold.
As we get older, we find there is less time for ourselves. What are your dreams? Do you want to return to school, work, begin a career, or simply enjoy your days and nights with friends and family? Would caring for a newborn hold you back from living the life you want for yourself? If so, placing your child with a family that has every resource and wants nothing more than to raise a child, adoption is an amazing option. Making yourself a priority now will set you up for future success.

7. You want to be in control of your child’s life and avoid foster care.
For a variety of reasons, your child may be at risk of being placed in foster care. Homelessness, an unfit living environment, domestic violence, past or current drug use, imprisonment, or an open CPS case are reasons why bringing a child home may not be an option for you. If you choose to make an adoption plan, you will remain in control of your child’s future. You can maintain a relationship with the family you select which is often not possible if your child is in state care.

8. Your pregnancy was the result of sexual assault.
If this pregnancy is the result of sexual assault, you may be feeling ambivalent about being pregnant. This is not uncommon. You may feel you are unable to bond with a child conceived under such circumstances and believe placing your child for adoption is the best option. We support you in your decision.

9. You want to help someone else create a family.
You may find yourself wanting to help a family that cannot have a child biologically. These soon-to-be-parents want nothing more than to experience the joy of parenthood and to welcome your child into their lives. You can make someone’s dream of having a family a reality.

10. You want to give your child the life you want for him/her. A life filled with unconditional love, security, and opportunity.
Every parent wants this for their child. If you are interested in creating a safe and secure adoption plan for your child, we can help.

💗 To learn more about placing a child for adoption, please text or call Renee anytime at 646-988-6281 💗

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