At Adoptions First, Birth Parents Always Come First
Pregnant and Considering Adoption?
We Are Here to Help You Now

To discuss the adoption process, the financial assistance you can receive, and to create a safe and secure adoption plan based on your wishes, please text or call Renee any time at 646-988-6281 or call 1-800-658-8284.
or contact us for more information
Providing Compassionate and Expert Adoption Legal Services to
Expectant Birth Parents and Hopeful Adoptive Parents Nationwide
Together we can turn a difficult situation into a positive experience, providing the emotional support and financial assistance* you deserve. Supporting you during your pregnancy, after your baby is born and placed for adoption, and for years after is what we do best!
Allowable pregnancy-related living expenses include:
• Rent
• Food
• Transportation
• Maternity Clothes
• Utilities
• Personal Items
• Phone
• Child Care
*The degree of financial assistance varies per state law. All legal fees, uncovered medical costs, and private counseling will be paid by the adoptive parent(s) you select.

In addition to providing allowable post-birth living expenses, after you place your child with the adoptive family you select, your caseworker can help with extended services such as:
• GED Assistance
• Obtaining Letters of Recommendation
• Applying for a Job or Continuing Education
• and Locating Child Care

If you are living in less-than-ideal conditions or do not have support from family, friends, or your community and would like to move, please let us know. Your health and the health of your child is important and if you wish to move in or out of state, we can help.
Call or text us privately now to get the help you need.

Adoptions First is a full-service law firm, representing hopeful adoptive parents nationwide. Whether you live on the West Coast, East Coast, or in-between, we can help you create the family of your dreams through adoption. Our extensive knowledge and many years of combined experience will be a benefit to you and the expectant birth parents that select you to adopt their baby.

Expectant Birth Parents

Hopeful Adoptive Parents

Select A Loving Family
Why Adoptions First?
Adoptions First has provided hopeful adoptive parents and expectant birth parents will the highest quality services. We are experienced, compassionate adoption professionals who genuinely care about each person we have the pleasure of helping. Adoption is more than our work. It is our passion, our personal stories, and our life’s calling.
♡ Compassionate Adoption Specialists
♡ Free Personalized Adoption Services
♡ Complete Privacy & Trust
♡ Emotional & Financial Support
Thank you so much, Adoptions First. This would never have happened if not for Renee and your team. Because of discussions with her, I was educated on some topics I otherwise would not have been and I would never had met my son! I hope to speak with you all again in 2018.
We don’t know how we could possible convey our boundless gratitude for Adoptions First, David, and Linda in a single thank you note, but we’ll try! Our entire experience adopting Keeley, from start to finish, has been truly amazing, and we have you to thank for that.
After the birth of my son, I finally got the nerve to call about finding a family for my son. When I reached Adoptions First, I did not feel judged at all. They understood what I was going through & just wanted to help. Everything was private & I placed my baby directly with the family.
Adoptions First was so comforting and they did not pressure me in any way to make this decision. I can honestly say that because of working with this office & the support system they have set up for birth mothers, I was able to completely transform & change my life.
When no one was there for me, I had the staff of Adoptions First. They never judged me, never laughed at me and never questioned me. They were always there for me. To this day I still talk with them. I love these incredible women. I am ever so grateful to all of the staff.
We do know we were absolutely in the right hands with Adoptions First and do believe this could not have come together if not for their help and involvement. We will be HIGHLY recommending your team.
Turn an Unplanned Pregnancy
Into a Positive Experience
An unplanned pregnancy leaves many women feeling fearful, confused, and alone. With our help, you can turn what may feel like a less than ideal situation into a positive experience. You have the ability to give your child life and the future you envision but feel you cannot provide at this time. Because of you and the deep love you have for your baby, a loving family’s dreams will come true after receiving the greatest gift, a child to nurture and love unconditionally.
Choosing to make an adoption plan is a difficult yet loving, selfless act, one you should be proud of. We have helped thousands of women make safe and secure adoption plans for their children and can help you too. Reaching out to inquire about adoption is the first and sometimes most difficult step. When you are ready, a friendly adoption specialist is waiting to hear from you, day or night.