How to Make an Open Adoption Work

How to Make an Open Adoption Work During Pregnancy and After Placement The words “open adoption” bring many thoughts to mind. Some imagine an experience where the birth mother remains heavily involved in raising her child through the adoptive family. Others may visualize a yearly exchange of photos and updates. The truth is, each open […]
How Adoptive Parents Can Overcome Challenges

How Adoptive Parents Can Overcome Challenges A new book called Countdown, by Shanna Swan, an environmental and reproductive epidemiologist at Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai in New York, caused some concern about a further decrease in the birth rate after top news sources cited statements such as “sperm counts have dropped almost 60% […]
10 Common Reasons to Consider Adoption for your Child

10 Common Reasons to Consider Adoption for your Child 1. You aren’t ready to be a mother (again) and terminating the pregnancy is not viable option at this time in your life. Parenting is something that will change your life forever and the idea of becoming a parent can be scary if you’re not ready […]