We are Alex and Kyle. We’re honored to have you reading our story and considering us as potential parents for your child. We won’t pretend to know what this process is like for you, but we want you to feel cared for and supported and want you to receive all of the information you need to make the decision you feel is best for your baby. We promise you that we’ll be there to listen, to answer questions, and to be honest and open if you choose us to embark on this journey with us.
We are ready to be parents, but more than that, we are ready for this particular path to parenthood and all that comes with it. We appreciate your time, energy, and thoughts as you read about us and as you consider what is best for yourself and your child. We’ll be here to support in any way we can.

Our Adoption Story and Promises to You
We have been interested in growing our family through adoption ever since we met and began to think about having children. This is, in part, due to the fact that Kyle was adopted and had a very happy experience as an adopted child. He has always felt a huge measure of love and gratitude to his birth parents for the family and life they chose for him. Also, simply put, rather than produce genetic offspring, we prefer to connect with an expectant mother who needs our help and to open our hearts and home to her child. No matter how a child comes into our lives, that child will be loved and supported by us unconditionally and that’s what matters most.
As possible adoptive parents to your child, we make these promises to you:
- We promise to respect and honor you and your child’s birth family and culture. This may involve staying in touch with you if that is your wish, celebrating cultural traditions and holidays, and incorporating aspects of your family and culture into their upbringing.
- We promise to provide you with updates and information about your child’s well-being. This can involve sharing photos, letters, and other updates regularly, if wanted.
- We promise to be transparent and honest with you about the adoption process, your child’s well-being, and any challenges or successes we experience as a family.
- We promise to provide a safe and stable home for your child, where they are loved and supported. We will devote fully ourselves to your child’s education and development of interests and talents as well as their relationships and social life.
- We promise to always be guided by your child’s best interests and to make decisions that support their long-term well-being. We will advocate for your child’s needs, provide access to resources and support, and make choices that prioritize your child’s health, safety, and happiness.

About Us
We met about 14 years ago while working on a film project. Kyle showed up on set the first day, unsure of where he was supposed to meet up with the rest of the crew. He received a phone call from Alex, a call that seemingly came out of nowhere, helping him get him where he needed to go. It’s crazy that something as simple as that led to such an amazing love and partnership but it did. We met up for dinner the following week, and after a few rounds of “is this a date?,” we realized we had been looking for each other for a long time. We have been together ever since and we could not be happier. After just a year of making our first feature film together (so much fun!), we married at a beautiful ceremony in the desert. We are excited about this next chapter of our lives and are so ready to be parents.
We have spent a lot of time adventuring together, seeking out the quirkiest little places to stay, whether it be an old VW bus parked on a farm, a yurt in the middle of the woods, or a creative spot for artists in the desert. Music and film are a huge part of our lives and household routine and it’s unusual for a day to go by without one of those.
We are a true team in most senses of the word. We play off of each other’s strengths and fill in for each other’s weaknesses. Kyle focuses on all of the amazing details while Alex’s looks at the bigger picture. Kyle’s the idea man, the dreamer, and Alex guides and supports. We work in tandem to help each other be our best selves, and we truly believe that we could do so for your child.
Our Home
In 2020 we bought our first home in a residential area of Los Angeles. It was a dream we’d had for some time, and it’s been exciting to work on it these past years and turn it into our favorite place to be. It’s a three bedroom, two bath home with a lovely backyard full of trees. A classic California home full of warmth, coziness, art and music.
Our record player is always turning, and we enjoy having our loved ones over for an evening of good food, good music, and good company. We’re gearing up to plant a vegetable garden in our backyard, and getting the yard ready for summer nights screening films on the side of our home.
The area has great schools, tons of parks and places to walk to, and is within a short driving distance of the beach, the mountains, Disneyland, Universal Studios and other family attractions and activities. Los Angeles is a large city with many resources available for families and children, including high-quality schools, healthcare facilities, and community services.
Los Angeles is also one of the most racially and ethnically diverse cities in the United States, so there will be many opportunities for exposure to different cultures and ethnic practices. Our is also a dynamic city with many opportunities for exposure to different experiences and career paths.

About Alexandra
I grew up in Los Angeles with one brother, eight years younger than I am, and a sister eight years younger than he. I like to joke that apparently my dad can only have kids every eight years (my sister is with a different mother). It was different growing up that way because we always had our own distinct childhood. I’m the oldest, so I spent a lot of time babysitting when I was a kid. But as we all grew up we became closer and closer, and now see each other as friends, besides being siblings. My parents divorced when I was 10. They just weren’t a match. But my dad married the love of his life a few years later and have now been together 25 years. Our whole family is very close, often going on vacations together, spending holidays together, or just stopping by for a quick hello or dinner.
Growing up I had a close group of friends, enjoyed school, and was always trying to figure out a way to infuse my love of movies, music, and art into my life, often opting to make a film or recite a self-written poem for a class project instead of a typical research paper. I stuck close to home for college, and got my bachelor’s degree in screenwriting, all the while working at a video production company making wedding videos and managing local bands.
After school I began working as a production manager and then as producer on independent films and music videos. For the past seven years I’ve worked producing television docu-series. It’s one of my greatest joys to be able to be a part of helping someone tell their story.
I consider myself to be an emotionally intelligent person. I lead by feelings, emotions, and love. I love nature, and spending time in it, hiking, camping, and adventuring. I also love traveling, and spending time finding all the best food and culture a new place has to offer. I love to read and be transported away into a different place and time for an afternoon, or spend a day strolling a museum discussing art, and nights seeing cool old films or a concert.
I feel like I’ve always been a mother in some way. I’ve been there for my siblings, often walking them through the tough stages of their life. I’ve mothered my friends, trying to always be an empathetic sounding board for them, advising them when I can, but mostly allowing them to hear what they need to in order to make the next step. I’ve mothered my niece and nephew, helping them to learn to communicate and discover their true selves. Not to mention, I was actually called the “band mom” of the bands I managed. And believe me, rowdy twenty year olds traveling across the country playing shows need a lot of mothering! I love children and have always wanted to be a mom. It comes out of me in all kinds of ways, and I cannot wait to be able to give all the love I have to a child and help them grow, learn, adventure, succeed, challenge themselves, and challenge me.
About Kyle
I was born in southern Illinois and adopted by my parents when I was two days old. I spent the first years of my life in a small rural community in Illinois, and then moved to Texas where my dad began a new job as a basketball coach at a community college. My parents did an excellent job of communicating with me about being adopted, from the earliest age I can remember. I have always known I was adopted and never felt any negative feelings associated with adoption. I remember my parents reading me a book about a family who adopted a baby, but they would change the names when they read it aloud to me so the book was about us, our family, adopting baby Kyle. I have always felt grateful to my birth parents for choosing this path for me, and never felt treated or loved differently by my adoptive parents or anyone else in our family.
My lifelong love of art began during my childhood, and I spent much of my time drawing and imagining worlds and stories of adventure and heroism. During middle school, I was into skateboarding and started listening to heavy metal. During my high school years, I became a punk with an anti-authoritarian streak that hasn’t subsided to this day. During these years, I also began reading novels and my lifelong passion for learning and ideas took root.
I attended college in Texas, where I studied English literature and classical and went on to earn my Master’s and Ph.D. in philosophy where I studied the philosophy of science, language and art. After graduate school, I began a career in film production and worked on a number of films in various roles, eventually coming to Los Angeles and meeting Alex. I had long wanted a partner in life who would also be a partner in filmmaking, and Alex was the ideal partner in both of these respects.
I have always been a person who loves children and many people think of me as a “big kid” at heart. Whether it is with my students (I teach philosophy part-time), my niece and nephew, or the children of our friends, I approach children as people in their own right with their own interests and needs which may or may not align with those of their parents. In my philosophical work, I focus on self-determination and freedom from coercion and the force of arbitrary rules, and we plan to raise our child with these values in the forefront.

About Alexandra (by Kyle)
Alex has many important characteristics for being a good parent, but among these, her abilities as a caring and open communicator are world-class. With me, our friends and family and with people she interviews for her career in TV, she is outstanding in her ability to connect with others, to understand feelings and needs and to help bring out and address them through open and supportive communication. She is the most supportive person I know, and I know that she will be an outstanding mother.
Alex is also extraordinarily patient and understands the need for people to arrive at decisions on their own and to feel secure in their decisions for themselves. I have seen this through so many of her interactions with me and with others – especially with our nephew, whom we keep in close touch with and speak to on the phone multiple times per week.
I can’t wait to see Alex’s love shower over your child. Anyone would be fortunate to have her as a mother.
About Kyle (by Alexandra)
People talk about homes and feeling at home. Well, Kyle is my home. Wherever we are, we are at home, because we are better together. Never could I have imagined that I would find the person who so completely supports and uplifts me to be my better self. He’s so incredibly smart, but also silly and fun. We have the best time together, whether it’s acting a complete fool in a grocery store to make the trip more fun, or waking me up with silly songs like “It’s coffee time.” He brings joy and adventure to my life.
Watching him with our niece and nephew, being both the fun silly uncle who plays games non-stop without tiring, or staying up late for slumber parties together telling ridiculous jokes or reading beautiful poems, but also helping them understand who they are and challenging them on what society tells them they should be; makes me so excited for all that is to come.
With him teaching from home I get to listen in on his classes from time to time, and just hearing how he explains complex topics to students, and hearing them getting it because of what an incredible teacher he is, just reminds me how much I’ve learned from him and how much he has to teach our future child.
Kyle is so unbelievably talented and can accomplish pretty much anything he sets his mind to. He paints, he writes, he directs, but all that seems small to the way he loves me and our friends and family. He’s a bit punk rock, a cowboy, a sensitive soul, a brilliant thinker, and an amazing husband and best friend. He’s also just a big kid himself. I know he’s going to be a great father.

Family and Friends
Our lives are filled with the love and support of family and friends. We both still have our parents and maintain close relationships with them. Alex’s family members all live in Southern California, and we see them and spend time with them on a regular basis, as well as family trips together often.
Kyle’s parents live in Illinois and we always spend our Christmas there with them, Kyle’s sister and her two children (9 and 13), whom we adore and try to spend as much time as possible with. Kyle’s parents along with his nephew usually also visit us every summer.
We also have many close friends with whom we keep in contact, some of whom go back to our childhood and primary school days. Two of Kyle’s closest friends he has known since he was two years old. We meet up with many of these friends and their children for fun camping trips, hiking trips, boating trips, and are looking forward to many of these memories with friends to come as a family.
All of our friends, many of whom have children, and our family members are all very excited that we are pursuing adoption as a path toward parenthood, and everyone in our lives supports us in this and are waiting with anticipation to shower your child with love and nurturing.

We understand that this is a deeply personal and difficult decision, and we want you to know that we are here for you every step of the way. We want to offer you our care, empathy, and understanding as you consider what is best for yourself and your child. Please know that we are committed to creating a loving, fun and supportive environment for your child to thrive in, and we will do everything in our power to ensure that they have a bright and happy future. Once again, we extend our gratitude to you for considering us as potential parents for your child, and for taking the time to learn about who we are and the family we would love to create.
With love,
Alex and Kyle